
“`I still gaze at the smile which is within the lips

= The womb of stilled and deep Silence, in which the glimpse of sound takes place
= The stilled i-ness in deep silence creates the feeling, in which I-ness disappears and the infinite sound plays the veena
= The soft breaths in silence, cuts thru bones and makes waves through in infinite
= In silence the recognition of silence, Passes thru time eminates lightened silence
This state of stillness is in stillness, is there any stillness after this particular in stillness, any other dimension, any type of life?

Since child all these words, saint- sage- guru- wisdom-meditation- religion were inner taste of my being. My despair became sigh and cut thru my bone but with deep breaths it would bow a seed in silence, to flourish such results that my being acknowledged 26 years later.My deep thought longed for the journey but in everyday life was longing as a question in search of an answer, evolved in depression, seasons changed – years passed but seeds of my thought did not flourish. In deep death of despair desperation, I was gazing at my being and worldly affairs, then all of a sudden;
The seed began to flourish within the procedure of flourish seed. I gazed at the new-born Rose. Now this new being asked:
– Is religion only at sacred places?
= no !
– Does one can only find nectar at only sacred places?
= no!
– What is religion?
= Self-realization
Who ever becomes self realized being, that being becomes saint and sage.

Secret spot with small perfect waves and  nobody around.

I became aware that my being became ignorant of such words. Then meditation began. My thought of 26 years were my meditation. These thoughts disappeared my anxiety-helplessness-despair-incapability and prisonment.
Then are these 26 years not comprising of ascetic?
Was this journey of self-realization, Was not Mantras?
-What was I before?
= only despair
-Then, What did I become?
= Ascetical being
-Who am I now?
=( what a question that being asks, Wow), but this being must answer.!!!—hhuuunnnnn—–!
Am I a learned being—-no!
Then, Am I not aware?—–not really
Then, Who am I ?
Just Smile!
When I gaze at my being in deep sleep all I find is smiling physique.
Now I question Rose is knowledge important or meditation needed? Then Rose inner eye gives a quite and carefree smile. Then my being asks with inkling,
“what is enlightenment?”
( wonderstruck) Rose’s being is little disturbed by this amazing question? My being does not want to portray it in speech faculty. But still answers that I do not know what Krishna-Buddha—Jesus called Enlightenment?
All I know is this that my being’s womb engulfs this all creation, although I am serene in my on environment. In my deep thrust I still gaze at the smile which is within the lips—the free style action in my eyes—music in walking—dance in sitting and standing—and food became sacred. But my being still has longing to devour the creation.
Then this does not sound like silence?
Silence is desires-thoughts-battle and ‘me and mine’-‘you and yours’. This silence gives birth to awareness, with comes the changes in human being. This total awareness gazes at the creation. This silence becomes the death of Ego. In this dimension the being becomes totally art.
In other words:
Enlightenment is to recognize the emptiness in the sphere.
Now in other words:
When I-ness becomes nothingness that nothingness is within the I-ness, this experience of be experiencer, recognizes,realizes, feels, knows and accepts is enlightenment.
When the being becomes totally aware of inner being, until the being is in its physical being, the surrounding of such being would be independent—carefree—happy. This particular being’s life would not be recognized by human’s naked eye.
– Then, after the physical death of such being will there be life?
= for sure!
– Every spec of this creation must be enlightened, when total enlightenment takes place, the life will remain as is.
– So beings, is Krishna alive this moment?
= yes!
– How?
= If any being in any shape or being has awareness and longing for Krishna, is Krishna.
– Then, who does not believe in Krishna?
= all human beings don’t believe in God.
– Who does not even know about Krishna?
= Does a being know itself?
Rose reply made the being capable of knowing bliss.
-Will the being ever take birth as Krishna?
= When the inner being experiences total awareness, in which Krishna consciousness is present; this presence will amalgamate within the awareness, the energy created in this procedure is Krishna.
– Then this state of creation is how long?
= This is infinite and boundless.
– The moral is this creation will never end?
= no !

– Then will this world end?
= yes, world is the creation, not the creator.
– Then, what is the point of Moksha?
= This is probably how an animal thinks about human beings

Rose walked away without gazing at my being, only sound was heard.
“One should only eat as much as can be digested”
Because my inner being was still thirsty for wisdom, because this is my journey to know my capacity. Rose’s total awareness and carefree emotion filled me with total pure love.


“`Who Are You!

Mostly being is IDENTIFIED as Hindu-Muslim-Christian or Budhhist, then I asked Rose, ‘Who Are You?’
The TEAR flowing from her eyes said,”LOVE”
The GAZE in the eyes said,”QUESTION”
and the BEING said,”NOTHING”


All these answers did not SATISFY my being, then I asked COME…ON say something!

Then Rose’s closed eyes reflected sach that I asked the same Question to myself that BUDDY, Who Are You?


“`The Life Forecasts, ‘This is Life’

What should I name this!
What I saw today….
What should I say.
Who was seeing and what was being seen?
My being or the creation!
Oh, Myself.
Then I realized,
I am the creation but ignorant…
In the vast deepness of my being for myself.
The eyelid opened to view the Nature…
There is neither denial nor the acceptance…
What ever is supposed to happen is happening…
the life forecasts ‘this is life’

I travel through a moment in a century so that a century can become a moment…
I deny so I can experience the acceptance
The time played game with a naughty smile which became a deep question,
“Who am I and what is time
If time exists then my being exists…
If there is no time, then there is no being.”
Then the creation answered,
“I am timeless, but I exist in time
I am shapeless, but take shape
I am the destiny, but become the path
I am but only I am, because I am formless.”
Then I saw only
In the womb of a moment
Taking birth of my being on the bed of death
I am infinite like the sky…
Empty, yet full…
I am nothing, but still very healthy-blissful-carefree
and the festival only.


“`My ego has changed and fallen upon the earth, making me more beautiful…

autumn_leaves_in_motion_sunrise_sunset_wisconsin_2008_photo_01__soul-amp“`A ‘detached’ person feels like an orphan, helpless and shelterless. That is why a detached person cannot accept anybody in the shape of religion, country or family then how will ONE compare and contrast the feeling of mine with the feeling of his or thine?

how will ONE distinguish between a friend and a stranger?

How will be say that ONE is an Indian or an American?

And how will ONE be in the position to say that ONE is a Hindu, a Sikh or a Christian?

How will ONE accept and adopt any boundary line or tradition?


No, ONE will be able to do nothing. Even though ONE be in the living world, his/her feet are conducting her/him to the place where truth resides, where goodness emits fragrance, where is found the quintessence of life. The stage towards which her/his steps are directed is the true destination of life.

The detached person is a failure in the worldly sense, that is why ONE feels her/himself worthless. ONE feels that She/he has been able to do nothing, because ONE could not do anything.In fact, ONE was incapable of anything; could not even have an empty smile; ONE could not shed crocodile tears; the confinement to restraints suffocated her/him; ONE could not be selfish. Then what should ONE do? ONE lives in the world but remains out of it; Remains in relationships, but keeps aloof from them; ONE is in the crowd, but feels like lost; ONE heaves his breaths, but is not alive.



“`When I go into SILENCE, then I am Nothing,even I am not Mine


e8c5fd03c0f172d72fd2eec7b989332f~ Because Rose is not Muslim, she can’t say ” ALLAH ”


~ Because she was not born in Hinduism, she can’t say ”OUM ”

~ Because she do not go to a SIKH-TEMPLE, So she is not ” SIKH ”

~ Because she did not read the BIBLE, then she can not love ”JESUS ”


When messages Like these come from Friends-relatives, then Shaheer’s response:
-Baba Kabira once said,
“I am not a Hindu,
Nor a Muslim am I!
I am this body,
a play Of five elements;
a drama Of the spirit dancing,
With joy and sorrow.” Bhagat Kabira
But she will not say what KABIR JI has.
She will say,
”I am Muslim-Hindu- Christian  Sikh-, I am ever all; because I Love Jesus- Muhammad- Nanak- Tao- Buddha- Krishna- Shiva- Kabir- Farid-Bullhe shah ect. then How can they not be…?
I love all religions, Quran- Gita- Bible- Guru granth- Tao- Maha gita- Upneshid, all is my Life and every Peer-Fakir-Saint Are mine.I love all Creation-Universe-Nature, I love everything,
When I look at Creation, Everything is mine;
when I go into SILENCE, then I am nothing, even I am not Mine.”


“`Smile is gazing towards the Creation

“`When the Smile took its place as a ruler on my lips eight years ago, and I would stand still in front of mirror again and again; I can not believe that Smile with me, because I never dreampt that I would Smile as such. This Smile had taken birth from SILENCE and NATURE.
Today !
This Moment !



This Smile recognized the Ceation’s Smile, Now my moist Smile is gazing towards the Creation, and my mystic eyes sent massage that:
” Oh! Beautiful Smile, go and rule over every lips, and become known every being’s lips. Every being, Every moment, and Every spec is in need of such Smile.”


“`That was the moment of mine and I became century…

I remember when I ask myself what had passed, “Time or Body”. Then Rose replied, “Body”. Ask the same question again,”What is passing at this moment”. Then a sound murmuried,” Today I am the alone”. Then time replied again, “I am the fragment of imagination. A being looking at its own changing body begins to say my name. A being passing through desires and thoughts also blames me. Although I stand still.”
Then I ask,” What is your speed and action?”
Time answered while looking at Rose,
“Rose do you remember those moments when the wish to fly entered your being; those moments were to attain me. Do you remember that thought which kept thinking who is your own and who is foreign–who am I and what is Life; those thoughts were to understand me. Do you remember that search which kept on researching freedom; that search was too surpass me.”

Then I looked at Rose who was envolped in sigh of silence, which was nothing but sounds of thinking.I asked time, “Then how is your speed today, then who am I “.
Then time replied, ” there is no speed today either, I am standing still today as well. Only different  is that Rose is also standing still today”
Then who is this walking along,I asked; and time again replied, “You”
Then I ask amazingly, “I–Mine–How is that, so”
Then time replied, “Look at your own being with depth, then be aware of who I am?”
When I gaze at the time:
That was the moment of mine and I became century…
That was my own thought and I was just consciousness…
That was my own step and I was standing as destination…

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Time was my own moment–my own idea…
Rose was my own feeling–my own emotion…
I was nothing but emptiness
I was fullfil not only nothingness.


“` When Life Blossoms In Silence


It may be day or night,
Perfect silence or deep uproar
There is a watchman-ship of silence at work. Words turn a person into a beggar and silence places on the human head the crown of the emperor of the inner spiritual kingdom. The individual despite being in shackles is free; but for being in the grip of longing despite being free we are slaves. In the desert of burning passions one’s worth is not more than a fig, but you, see in the matter of dreams and aspirations even a king is at the level of the laymen, for I think that Whether there are dreams or aspirations,
Thoughts or reflections, all give us the message of our metropolis;
Death teaches the glory of life;
Mountains, valleys, seas, the sky give us an idea of our comprehensiveness.
The consciousness of time teaches us that infinite and eternal we are;
Air suggests to us the tune of ‘Oum’.

— Let there be the wails of lamentation or peals of happy laughter,
— Helplessness of circumstances or the sobbing state of the environment,
— Angry words of complaints or utterances of curse,
— Showers of blames or the pains of law violations,
— The fragrance of love or the drops of enthusiastic aspirations,
— Flowers of smile or the thorns of tears.
All feelingly make us realize their individual significance.
• Hungry bellies, moistened eyes, faded faces— do they not lift the corpses of comforts?
• Does the loneliness of trouble not look for happiness and comfort?
• Do broken hearts not give the message of death?
• Wild cries, the bitter gesture of envy and jealousy, the mode of thinking of rascals and ruffians, the solitude of love, the disappointment of hopes, the accidents of earth-quakes and whirlwinds, the cunning prattle of the wicked people, the tricks of the corrupt people, do they not transport us to the consciousness of death and throw our life into the pit of suffocation, helplessness and despair?
• The fragrance of flowers, the beauty of nature, the juice of fruit, the taste of vegetables, the redness of the sun, the bullishness of the sky the flights of birds, the stability of the trees, the unshaken stand of mountains, the light of the moon, the bashfulness of a woman, the fearlessness of man, the spiritual ecstasy of Krishna, Buddha and Jesus, the joyful symphonies of Shehnai do they not make life beautiful, are they not a boon for life, are they not life themselves?
But what does actually happen?

The individual may live anywhere, may it be a palace or a hut, there comes a constant hum of quarrel and bickering and of envy and jealousy. Why?
Why is not there heard the thundering voice of love and peace?
And this silence, takes us beyond the challenge of death and the lullaby of life into the sweet and fresh music of the universe. The immaculate expansion of silence takes us into the music of depth as well as exalts us with the attainment of height. Very lucky they are who follow this path and hear this music of the spheres, who enjoy this zest of taste, who know this secret that they are not finite beings, but infinite; that they have no end and are endless. It is only with this realization that a person becomes happy, peaceful and contented. Then begins the start of a new life with new aspirations:- Then fears and worries born of the womb of the moments, the grief of in-completion, the painful sighs of weakness— all vanish in moments, then silence comes with only essential utterances and life proceeds with essential matters, “feelings” proceed only in the right direction to the place where freedom rises in revolt and where slavery has worn out itself. When they become votaries of dedication and devotion only then do they get their freedom which takes them to infinite bliss. But the individual has developed his interest in utterances while true friendship is shown only by ‘silence’.


dsc06190The individual’s life rests itself only on utterances while the necessary thing is to enshrine life into the heart of silence. This journey is the journey of freedom and freedom comes with knowledge. Knowledge is born of the womb of silence. Silence leads the individual to the quintessence of life, while the sabras of utterances can even kill life. when life blossoms in silence:-



“`Love asked


“` Although we see sun rising every twelve hours, but life has sun rise and sun set every moment in this time and space. In the embodiment of love asmile travels out of my being and sets on my lips.and stares,this smile of silence begins to ask me,
Why you have no trust?
This question filled my eyes with nector of tears as love. (Tears of love) This tears had an awe of Silence. As this tear travels down to be with smile.

flores-do-campo-5So friends! what was the question with in the question?
Smile asked my being, “Do not you believe in your own love?”
When my tears of love hugged my silence smile,then silence accepted the words and smile became the paper and tears became the ink and love became the hand and the outcome was the —
“Total Liberation “
So the love says,
“No one ever faithfully believed in me, because i am the hotest desire for everybody”
Love asked my being,
“Was jesus persecuted or me?
Were Nanak, Buddha, Muhammad or Krishna misunderstood or me?
—O My Silly Being, its me!
Who so ever I rule does not believe in me? because, limit is infinite and infinit is limit. O my childish-feeling! I am so vast that I have hard time believing in my infinity that how can I accept anybody to have faith in my being.”


This statement of Love made my silent smile into peace; then I looked at my being and only discovered an Awe.


“`Love knows no boundaries

* What is Personal life?
* What is the Personality?
* What are Boundaries?
I don’t know the answer to these questions for. i have always been an unmindful traveler and still am today.Since I don’t konw myself, then how can I know what is my personal life, my personality and my Boundaries.
– Don’t I have aliveness or don’t I have Intellect or should I say i am foolish ?
Where should i draw the line that mark my boundaries, because where there boundaries for the Body, the Mind breaks in.
– Then, Where are Boundaries?


Personal Relationships always remain in a Veil it never comes upon the lips. One that comes upon one’s lips can never be a Relationship. All I know its that my Emotion is my Life, this is my personality. Who ever my feelings touch, is mine. Therefore where is my Boundary.Where should I draw the line?


My Emotions are my relation, Personality and Boundary, because my Emotion touches them All,
— Earth to Sky, Time to Space, Nature to Science, Human to God, Virtue to Vice, East to West.Then to whom should I say personal Life? I am unaware of my Boundary, and I am unknown of Personal-life since my life is a virgin to its Essence.